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Are There Any Mountains Left to Climb?

Hidden in remote corners across the globe are towering peaks that have yet to feel the tread of human boots on their summits. Let's find them.

by saif71 | Last Updated:
December 6, 2023 | 06:20 AM
Are There Any Mountains Left to Climb?

Yes, there are several of them. Hidden in remote corners across the globe are towering peaks that have yet to feel the tread of human boots on their summits. These unclimbed mountains have an irresistible allure for adventurers seeking new challenges and rewards.

Estimates suggest there may be over 1,500 significant unclimbed mountains in the world, predominantly clustered in ranges like the Himalayas, Karakoram, and greater ranges of Central Asia.

These unconquered giants represent the last bastions of exploration on land and continue to captivate new generations of climbers.

Table of contents

The Highest Unclimbed Peaks

The most coveted of the unclimbed mountains are those reaching above 8,000 meters (26,247 ft). These elite peaks test the limits of human capability and endurance.

Gangkhar Puensum

Gangkhar Puensum

Soaring on the Bhutan-China border is Gangkhar Puensum, the highest unclimbed mountain in the world at 7,570 meters (24,836 ft). This pyramidal massif is the highest peak in Bhutan and has religious significance that prohibits climbing. Glaciers drape its steep flanks, and access is extremely limited.

Muchu Chhish

muchu chhis In Pakistan's Karakoram lies the imposing Muchu Chhish, reaching 7,453 meters (24,452 ft) yet untouched by climbers. Muchu Chhish has highly technical mixed rock and ice routes compounded by its remoteness deep in the Batura Muztagh subrange. Valiant efforts were made in 2014 and 2017 but were turned back just shy of the summit.

Kunyang Chhish West

Kunyang Chhish West

Also in the Karakoram is Kunyang Chhish West at 7,354 meters (24,114 ft), whose steep granite and ice slopes make ascent extremely difficult. Kunyang Chhish as a group remains unclimbed, though surrounding peaks have been summited. Weather is persistently volatile, battering climbers with violent storms.

Gangkar Punsum North

Gangkar Punsum North This 7,315 meter (24,035 ft) subsidiary summit in Bhutan lies just north of Gangkhar Puensum and is likewise culturally off-limits to climbers as part of the same massif. Gangkar Punsum North exceeds 8,000 meters in prominence, rising high above the Gangkar valley glacier below.



Deep within the remote interior of China’s Tibet stands the enigmatic Tongshanjiabu at 7,295 meters (23,993 ft). Climbing expeditions began exploring approaches in the 1980s but faced significant hardships from the sheer remoteness and complex terrain. The mountain remains a true climbing challenge.

Other Notable Unclimbed Mountains

While the 8,000 meter giants seize the spotlight, many other remarkable unclimbed mountains still await their first ascent. These peaks often have unique cultural or environmental obstacles barring the way.

Machapuchare, Nepal

Machapuchare Visible from Pokhara in Nepal's Annapurna region is Machapuchare, the iconic "Fishtail" rising to 6,993 meters (22,943 ft). Climbing is strictly prohibited on the sacred peak. Many climbers also tragically perish nearby on Annapurna I and neighboring peaks.

Gangapurna, Nepal

Gangapurna In the same district stands the imposing pyramid of Gangapurna at 7,455 meters (24,457 ft). Gangapurna has repelled all summit attempts thus far due to its extreme technical challenges and deadly avalanche risk. Five climbers perished in an avalanche in 1965, and several more have been killed over the intervening decades.

Mount Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash In remote western Tibet, Mount Kailash reaches 6,638 meters (21,778 ft) as one of the world's most revered pilgrimage sites. Its climbing is strictly forbidden to preservation the sacred landscape. For millennia, religious devotees have completed circumambulation treks around its base.

The Future of Unclimbed Mountains

As technology and technique progress in coming decades, more unconquered mountains may finally meet their match. However, some cherished peaks seem destined to remain pristine in their natural state due to cultural or environmental protections. The true spirit of mountaineering may lie just as much in knowing when not to climb. Unclimbed mountains still have much to teach us, even if their summits are forever beyond our grasp. Their allure arises not solely from the glory of conquest but from something more elusive that kindles our spark for adventure.

Unclimbed mountains represent far more than blank spaces on maps. These giants embody the pioneering spirit, remind us that the earth still holds secrets, and carry cultural heritage beyond measure. As the future unfolds, these untrodden realms will continue presenting new generations with the gift of exploration on the roof of the world.

About Author: 🎉 Salman Hossain Saif (internet username: Saif71).
Lead UX Engineer @ManagingLife LLC. Specialized in design systems, user flow, UX writing, and a certified accessibility specialist. Loves travel and creating meaningful content. Say hi @imsaif71

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