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ELI5 - What is LLM that everyone is talking about?

salman hossain saif
By Salman Hossain Saif Last Updated:
June 8, 2024 | 06:20 AM

Imagine a super smart computer program that can understand and create text, just like humans do. That's a Large Language Model (LLM)! Let's talk about it.

ELI5 - What is LLM that everyone is talking about?

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What is a Large Language Model (LLM)?

Imagine a super smart computer program that can understand and create text, just like humans do. That’s a Large Language Model (LLM)!

These programs are trained on huge amounts of data, like entire books, websites, and even code. It’s like feeding a computer a massive library of information so it can learn how to use language effectively.

LLMs are built using a special type of artificial intelligence (AI) called machine learning. This means they learn by recognizing patterns in data without being explicitly programmed. It’s like teaching a child by showing them examples, and they figure out the rules on their own.

Think of an LLM as a super-powered translator who can understand different types of language, like English, French, Spanish, and even code. They can even write different kinds of texts, like stories, poems, or even code.

What are LLMs used for?

LLMs have many uses, some of them are:

The benefits and limitations of LLMs

LLMs are amazing tools, but they also have limitations:



How LLMs work: A simple explanation

LLMs use a special kind of AI called “deep learning” to understand language. Imagine a huge network of interconnected nodes, like a brain. Each node processes and shares information with other nodes, allowing the model to learn complex patterns in language.

LLMs can learn to understand how words relate to each other and how they fit together to form sentences and paragraphs. They can even understand the meaning behind words and phrases.

While LLMs are still under development, they are already revolutionizing how we interact with technology and information. In the future, they will likely become even more powerful and essential in our daily lives.

salman hossain saif

About Author: 🎉 Salman Hossain Saif (internet username: Saif71).
Lead UX Engineer @ManagingLife LLC. Specialized in design systems, user flow, UX writing, and a certified accessibility specialist. Loves travel and creating meaningful content. Say hi @imsaif71

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